Mitul’s IRS

I remember…. …..

Its not long when it seemed that we joined VJTI, i still remember they day when it was raining hard and we all were to come for our admissions. Looking around at ppl with confused eyes, thinking of spending 3 years of great fun.

When i thought about it..i never imagined that fun would be just an understatement. .and that just says the magnitude of masti that we have all had in these years..

the very first year..be it sumant sirs lectures or adfs ka stupid labs and stupid pcs , when the entire lab wen down by just tickling a lame pc in the corner… [:D]

then be it second year, our NEW lab was unvieled, with even more stupid pcs that i dunno were assembled or were excarvated outta ruins..but then working on them was sure fun…i still remember ppl blaming the pc for erasing thier files on occasions[:D]

the KT experiences were never more better, especially in C N [:D]
and all the night oil that i spent on deciding wat was NOT important so that i can study it and pass [:D]

all those birthdays that were celebrated and all those cakes that were cut…
all those photos that were clicked and we keep smiling wen we see them even now…
then be it the third year..the year of seminars… wen every subject seemed to have a seminar associated.. but it was fun in its own respect

for all the fun, tension, pressure and sadness, one things for sure…. we had a veryyyyyyyyy eventfull journey that is sure going to remain engraved in our hearts for every in our life…and for that one thing dat i will always keep missing ever in my life is to gettin back this time that i spent with all the greatest ppl dat i met in my life…
even though we may choose our paths and lead our ways..we will always remember and miss each other for those great experiences that we shared ..the tiffin boxes, the bunking, the seminars, the seldom grudges, the crushes, the legpulling, et all….

From all the above one things for sure… we have always rocked and we always will..coz we are the best of the best of the best!

with this i finish my SMALL contribution to this series started by u all

January 18, 2008 - Posted by | Uncategorized

1 Comment »

  1. Well this the mail tht actaully made me start writing.

    Comment by Ridwan | January 18, 2008

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